First-Time Home Buyers

You can use the following guide to help you make informed decisions when buying your first home in Kansas City and the surrounding areas.

Mortgage Brokers & Pre-approval

Find out how much you are able to afford to buy a house and obtain a pre-approval. Knowing how much you are able to afford is the first step. However, potential Kansas City sellers will be more open to first time home buyers who have been pre-approved. You won’t be disappointed if you don’t attempt buying a house that are is not within your price range. Pre-approval lets the buyer apply for a loan and demonstrates receives a formal commitment from the lender. The seller can see that you are serious and are willing to buy the property if the home is available at the same price as you pre-qualify for. Pre-approval is generally free and the lender will typically allow you to pay them after you have closed your loan.

Lists of Needs & Desires

Make two lists. The first should list items that you must have. The second list should include your wishes. This includes things you would like (e.g., pool, den). You don’t have to use them. Although you may not be able to get everything on your list as a for the first time home buyer in Kansas City, this will help keep you on track to find what you want.

Representation by an Expert

Consider employing an experienced real estate agent. They will work for you, not the seller, when buying a house in Kansas City. They can help you with all the steps of buying a home.

Focus & Organization

Ensure you have all the necessary items to aid in your home searches. This could include:

  • A few maps of the areas you’re interested in your interest with more detail.
  • A list or file listing all the properties that your agent has shown you.
  • Use paper and a pen to make notes while you search.
  • To capture pictures of homes you have toured and help you recall the features and favorites, get a camera or use your cell phone’s camera..
  • Draw the house empty. Add your decor. Have the rooms been designed to your liking? Do you have enough light?

Be Objective

Do not think with your heart, but with your head. Does the house meet your needs? There are many houses on the real estate market in Kansas City. Don’t hurry and regret it later.

Be Thorough

A few extra dollars spent when buying a house can save you huge expenses down the road. Keep these things in mind:

  • Include inspection and mortgage contingencies within your written offer.
  • Professional inspectors can inspect the property.
  • For a second walkthrough, please request it within 24 hours..
  • You will want to ensure that no changes were made to the contract (e.g. a chandelier that was sold with the purchase has been replaced or a ceiling light that is cheaper).

You may find all this overwhelming. First time home buyers can feel intimidated by this process, but we are here to help! Contact us to discuss any of the above matters. Stroud & Associates can make home buying in Kansas City easy!


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